activity series  
  bond energy
  bond lengths

  common names

  conversion factors: energy

  conversion factors: length

  conversion factors: mass

  conversion factors: pressure

  conversion factors: temp.

  conversion factors: volume

  covalent prefixes

  density solver

  diatomic elements

  e-config. chart

  element list

  gas law formulas

  Ka's of polyprotic acids

  Ka's of weak acids

  Kb's of weak bases

  metric conversion chart

  mole conversion chart

  molecular geometries

  organic prefixes

  periodic table

  periodic table (flash)

  pH/pOH converter

  polyatomic ions

  pressure converter

  SI units

  solubility chart

  solubility of salts rules

  solubility product constants

  stoichiometry chart

  temp. conversion

  temp. formulas

  thermodynamic data

  vapor pressure of water
Period 6 Homework

Period 6 Homework
  September - 2024  
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Displaying 1 to 20 of 120 records. nextNext 20 Records
date assigned
Wednesday, 6.02.21
Today is an asynchronous day. Use it to review for the final exam. E-mail me if you hae any questions.
Friday, 5.28.21
Today is your unit 10 test. There is no homework. The Final Exam Review Packet and today's practice are linked below. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on resources and homework assignments. Wednesday is an asynchronous day. You can study and practice for your final exam.
Wednesday, 5.26.21
Today we will practice/review for our test on Friday. The Final Exam Review Packet and today's practice are linked below. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on resources and homework assignments. Wednesday is an asynchronous day. You can study and practice for your final exam.
Friday, 5.21.21
Today will be a day of practice and review for Gas Laws. We will go over the MC practice at the end of the last worksheet and then do a google form practice. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on resources and homework assignments.
Wednesday, 5.19.21
Today we will wrap up our unit on gas laws. I will cover kinetic molecular theory, vapor pressure, phase diagrams, and gas law stoichiometry. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on resources and homework assignments.
Friday, 5.14.21
Today we will continue studying gas laws. Retakes are on Mondays during office hours. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on resources and homework assignments.
Wednesday, 5.12.21
Today we will continue studying gas laws. Retakes are on Mondays during office hours. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on resources and homework assignments.
Friday, 5.07.21
Today we will start studying gas laws. We will go over your last test first. Retakes are the next two Mondays during office hours. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on resources and homework assignments.
Wednesday, 4.28.21
Today we will finish studying thermodynamics. We will go a review worksheet. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on the test, resources and homework assignments.
Friday, 4.23.21
Today we will continue studying thermodynamics. We will go over Hess's law and do a review worksheet. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on the test, resources and homework assignments.
Wednesday, 4.21.21
Today we will continue studying thermodynamics. We will go over heats of reaction, entropy and free energy. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on the test, resources and homework assignments.
Friday, 4.16.21
Today we will continue studying thermodynamics. We will go over the last test, do a phase change practice problem and learn about heats of reaction. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on the test, resources and homework assignments.
Friday, 4.09.21
Today we will continue studying thermodynamic phase changes and phase change calculations. Stoichiometry test on Wednesday. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint. It has info on the test, resources and homework assignments.
Wednesday, 4.07.21
today in class we will start a unit on Thermodynamics. The worksheet is available for download. On Wednesday 4/14/2021 you will test on Stoichiometry.
Friday, 3.26.21
Today is the last day of the quarter. Double check your grade in SIS. Today we will practce stoichiometry and learn energy stoichiometry.
Wednesday, 3.24.21
Here is a link to Wednesday's powerpoint. You have a summative assignment due by Friday. Click HERE FOR YOUR DOCUMENT
Friday, 3.19.21
Here is a link to Friday's powerpoint.
Wednesday, 3.10.21
Today in class we will review and practice for your test on Friday. Here is a link to the latest powerpoint.
Friday, 3.05.21
Here is a link to Friday's powerpoint.
Wednesday, 3.03.21
Here is a link to Wednesday's powerpoint.
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